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Morning fam

☕ Morning fam, Biden’s ‘promise’ to nominate a black woman to the Supreme Court is a tactic, an easy way for an unpopular President to play on black people’s emotions and hide behind black women that will play their role, follow the directions of white liberals/progressives and tout symbolism and tokenism as a win for the entire collective. #Mammyism #PlantationPolitics #JimCrowJoe

☕ Morning fam,  Biden’s ‘promise’ to nominate a black woman to the Supreme Court is a tactic, an easy way for an unpopular President to play on black people’s emotions and hide behind black women that will play their role, follow the directions of white liberals/progressives and tout symbolism and tokenism as a win for the entire collective. #Mammyism #PlantationPolitics #JimCrowJoe

☕ Morning fam,
Biden’s ‘promise’ to nominate a black woman to the Supreme Court is a tactic, an easy way for an unpopular President to play on black people’s emotions and hide behind black women that will play their role, follow the directions of white liberals/progressives and tout symbolism and tokenism as a win for the entire collective. #Mammyism #PlantationPolitics #JimCrowJoe

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