☕ Morning fam,
Big news outta the Lou that really confirms everything I’ve been saying about blacks moving away from the Dem machine since Darren Seals #toldja not to fear Trump. Nelly is performing at Trump’s inauguration. #Toldja St. Louis wasn’t woke. #Toldja the Lou wasn’t feeling black girl magic… and #toldja waaaay before Kim Gardner resigned in scandal and Cori Bush lost her Congressional seat.
And no surprise the move to lean into Trump came out of our hip hop community. stlhiphop’s been preaching for years about how every problem we’re dealing with was created or exacerbated by the Dem Party… how Dems control the regions failing schools, control police, crime and economic development… How Dem Sen Claire McCaskill rallied the DOJ to end the investigation into the killing of Mike Brown… How Dem leaning nonprofits worked with the Dem machine to exploit our issues for profit. And how Dems use black celebrity in the manner Malcolm described to mislead and deceive.
So no, shouldn’t be surprised at this move coming out of the Ferguson region. Or St. Louis’ hip hop scene.
#Toldja never count us out.