☕ Morning fam,
Election results are in… and there’s gonna be a lot of spin calling the results ‘mixed’ at best. First voter turnout was embarrassingly low, the spinmeisters will dismiss by saying voter turnout has always been low, but in a city with over 200,000 eligible voters not one candidate for the Board of Aldermen received over 2000 votes speaks volumes.
The president ran unopposed and didn’t even get 10% of the vote. Rank choice voting kept the illusion that progressives had life alive. The reality? not one candidate endorsed by the mayor ranked first despite being backed by Soros Inc (Disclaimer: allegedly) and deceptive tactics like running strawman candidates to split the vote.
That won’t be the case next month during the runoff when the top vote getters from yesterday’s election get most, if not all of the votes that were split.
Progressive live to fight another day, but really they’re only prolonging the agony. And inevitability. St. Louis is not woke. The Mayor and Circuit Attorney’s poll numbers are horrible… and will only get worse the longer Kim Gardner remains in office. And the longer Gardner remains in office there will be increased demands that the Mayor, President of the Board of Aldermen and even Cori Bush resign.
Many support the actions of the Republican Attorney General to remove Kim Gardner, controlled legislature taking back control of the police and appointing a special prosecutor. And if the “Fire them All Act” passes, they’re done. That’s the ONLY way we’re gonna vote our way out of this.
Summer is approaching, when crime is always worse. There is no crime plan, just more of the same putting mediocre people in position and throwing millions at ineffective solutions that will result in more deaths. Other scandals are brewing… and lets not forget the federal investigation into City that already resulted in guilty pleas from former President of the BOA Lewis Reed, Jeffrey Boyd and John Muhammad with more indictments to come.