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Morning fam

☕ Morning fam, Everything you need to know about Kamala…

☕ Morning fam,  Everything you need to know about Kamala…

☕ Morning fam,
Censorship on Fedbook is strong. They don’t want us talbout Kamala. They’re removing posts And shadowbanning. Because her record is atrocious, nobody likes her and she is overly unqualified. She’s not even qualified to be VP, that’s why they had to trick so many negros to support her based a manufactured perception of her bein black. She’s not. She’s Indian, Jamaican and Irish and they act like saying that is a slur. You don’t see Indian, Jamaican or Irish Americans being pressured to vote for her. Nor do you see them supporting her periodt. They’re not proud. And that should tell you everything you need to know about Kamala.

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