☕ Morning fam,
How much money do think as been spent since the 1960s to ‘help’ us? Millions? Billions? We may never know. Now look around, can you point to anything other than a community center, boys or girls club? Where did the rest of the money go? To nonprofits for salaries and overhead? The the Dem Party to fund anti-black black candidates? $20 million of what BLM collected ‘to help us” was diverted to the logtq community. Show me where the lgbtq community invested even half in our struggle? I’ll wait.
At some point we’re gonna have to talk about these ‘do gooders’ sjws that interject themselves… nobody voted for them to do anything, they don’t ask the community what it wants or needs, they don’t take an assessment, they just do… and 9 times out of 10 make matters worse because they don’t know what they’re doing, they just got a grant. They don’t know how to do the actual work and end up doing shit to justify their funding. Social experimentation, imposing neoliberal and white radical policies on our community like we’re lab rats or Guinea pigs. When the experiment goes awry like when the guy the Bail Fund bailed out, got out and murdered his wife… nobody has anything to say. Mofos try to moonwalk away with zero accountability. Nah. Sorry but not sorry sjws. There are consequences to your actions. And you don’t get to run from them.
No diff than Ferguson folks that sold us out to join Black Lives Matter, Inc. They knew the deal. they benefitted from thee grift and lied about it when Darren Seals and I called it out. Cori Bush, Bruce Franks Jr, Rasheen Aldridge and John Muhammad and the first Ferguson frontline all abandoned our movement and came up off the grift by either joining BLM or running for office and becoming the black face for white liberals and progressives.
Some variation of this is playing out in black communities from coast to coast. If “The road to hell is paved with ‘good intentions'” were a physical embodiment of a group of people marching to their demise, it would be black America.