☕ Morning fam,
On July 8, 2019 I was included in a chain email along with a few black elites from Marshata Caradine, an unapologetic advocate for black students, educators, parents and schools that challenged us to to “Get real about our permissible role IN ALL of the maltreatment and malpractices that we are COLLECTIVELY allowing to occur.” *A statement that was music to my soul, and a door to starting a long overdue conversation about failing our young people. My fingers couldn’t reply fast enough. It should come as no surprise me ringing the alarm was the only reply. Or that we’re living the consequences I foresaw resulting from failure to take action. It’s not they don’t know fam, they don’t care.
On Mon, Jul 8, 2019 at 6:35 AM Marshata Caradine wrote:
Good morning.
As a former educator in 189, I MADE THE DECISION that I refuse to be a WARDEN over our inner city children.
I am in RACEbook jail but I wanted to bring some highly respected people together to address gun violence.
When BLACK FOLKS get real about our permissible role IN ALL of the maltreatment and malpractices that we are COLLECTIVELY allowing to occur, then it will change.
I am NOT talking and our girls are in PWS or PS but I made the mistake if SACRIFICING my brilliant children for this FAILED school system, I was under the umpressiin that I eas supposed to return home, NOW I understand clearly why people choose NOT to return.
I was truly ignant but OUR CHILDREN GONE HURT US ALL if we do NOT swiftly reclaum them and our village concept.
Daily, our children have to face racist, hateful, angry and afraid white educators who have more time to spit poison iver and in their lives
Daily, our children have no standards or expectations
Daily, I am reminded of the words of Malcolm X, ONLY A FOOL WILL ALLOW THE ENEMY TO EDUCATE THEIR CHILDREN
Daily, we see toxicity being sold and spilled in our inner city communities and those that resemble us palms get greased and then we care not about others, our children included
Daily, our children THINK that they are equal, have CONstitutional rights, are allowed to speak, act, go and come as THEY see fit with NO accoubtability but secretly teachers are writing them up in the most sickest manner (CHECK OUT THE SCHOOL TO PRISON PIPELINE)
Daily, parents are made to feel that WE are the problem but WE as a people allowed these racist, unequal, predatory and preyed upon policies, rules and laws ABOUT US, FOR US AND WITHOUT US and to me; that is the WHOLE problem
Daily, our children have to eat food these WF damn animals will never or be seen as cruelty towards their children
Daily, our children are not sure if they will not only HAVE a teacher but which substitute will occupy the class (NOW MIND YOU, THE REAL TEACHER IS STILL PAID HER SALARY UNDER CONTRACT)
Daily, teachers are being OUTSOURCED into our inner city schools, check out Kellys Educational Staffing (Kellys Temporary Services)
Daily, our children are criminalized for LEGISLATED poverty, environmental hazards, trauma, neglect (they say) and ptsd
Daily, our children not only walk yhrough metal detectors but bodies are violated with wands
Daily, our children are viewed as and treated as they are inferiror, incoherent and incapable of learning or in an ignorant manner
Daily, we BLACK FOLKS attempt to be inclusive, diverse and teach WF about what keep them ELEVATED gives me great clarity on the phrase #WhenTheyFundYouTheyRunYou
Daily, our children who are in a TECH driven society, our children utilize tech from the time they wake up until they go to bed but yet educational institutions in our inner cities CRIMINALIZE OURS with TECH VIOLATIONS while others are ALL WIRED and allowed to create and invent the NEXT BIG TECH GADGET
Daily, our inner city children are seen as threats and to STOP the competition, America legislate the dumbing down of our babies with DUMB ASS TEACHERS, America strip our babies of their dignity, America rob our babies of their individuality, creativity, strong innate skill sets, will to try and then they are UNABLE TO COMPETE because what comes natural is always DEFUNDED to assure our children that they are LOCKED out, up and down through POLICIES, LAWS, RULES, MANDATES, PROCEDURES, CODES that is attached to making sure it works.
In the words of Tishaura O. Jones #TouchOneTouchAll.
There are consequences fam… consequences for following the same folks that led us here, consequences for doing the same things, consequences for not holding our leaders accountable , consequences for being politically ignorant and giving your votes away while demanding nothing in return, consequences for allowing your tax dollars to be used for everything except improving your community, consequences for not investing in our youth, consequences for living vicariously through black faces in high places instead of judging them on job performance, consequences for leaving the frontline of our battles to fight for others, consequences for selling out, buck dancing and granthustling, consequences for supporting tokens, symbols and gatekeepers instead of the real grassroots and unapologetic black media that speaks to the interests of black people, consequences for not building and creating a lane for black empowerment and self sufficiency… And consequences for not heeding the warnings.
We’re living them…
Don’t pretend some of us didn’t warn.