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Morning fam

☕ Morning fam, Keeping You plugged in…

☕ Morning fam, Keeping You plugged in…

☕ Morning fam,
9 years post Ferguson and we’re worse off than when we took to the streets and not just here in St. Louis, but entire country. #Toldja what they were allowed to get off here would be coming soon to a city near you. St. Louis is a test market, they created the blueprint here during Ferguson in secret meetings where locals sold us out and at Netroots, the stroll for professional actorvists and paid protesters looking for a Sugar Soros.

The NPIC, the people that created Patrisse “8 Mansions” Cullors. And Medina Abdullah. And Deray. And Shaun King. And Cori Bush. And Bruce Franks… And all these prosperity pimping sjws they had y’all cheering/living vicariously through. Didja really think it was gonna be that simple? MLK, dead. Malcolm, dead. Chairman Fred, dead. Assata, in exile. Patrisse Cullors, the worse thing to happen to her was getting triggered about having to file taxes on the millions she fleeced from the black community.

The NPIC has it’s controlled opposition, grifters and sellouts as does social media House hearing exposed was controlled by the feds. They control the algorithms, what you see/don’t see and what goes viral. They ‘fact check’ information and are the final arbiters of truth. And they keep you plugged in, feinin while they create psychological profiles of you based on what you like, share and post then sell it to the highest bidder while telling you your data was hacked.

And mofos are lining up for more. And y’all call MAGA a cult?

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