☕ Morning fam,
Nobody is talking about the civil war happening within the black community between black boomer, (staunch Democrats, those subscribing to ‘representation’, symbolic action and ‘vote blue no matter who’) and the generations coming behind them that put policy/tangibles/results over party.
Boomers are BIG MAD. But their anger is misdirected. Instead of being mad at younger voters that refuse to give their votes away for free or vote to some other group’s advantage, boomers should direct their angst at the party from the president down, Congress, governors, mayors and DAs for taking for granted and squandering over a half a century of the black vote.
Boomers see government as the solution, while those coming behind them see government as the problem and point to the condition of black America after 75 years of one party/Dem Party rule as proof.
Those days are over as younger black voters are exploring other options and fleeing the party in droves, something I have been warning about since Ferguson. Something the Dem Party, black leaders and black boomers all ignored.
They have no one to blame but themselves.