☕ Morning fam,
Democrats are at the ‘Break glass in case of emergency’ stage of their party. Trotting out Barack and Michelle no longer works. Another sistergirl joining Black Girl Magic did not quell demands for tangibles. Black Lives Matter, Inc has been exposed despite Hawk still mediawhoring in New York and Melina still grifing in LA. The org is under investigation after revelations of a 6th mansion purchased by Indiana’s Attorney general, not Missouri’s despite the grift beginning here with the exploitation of the death of Mike Brown, hijacking of Ferguson and murder of Darren Seals. They have more pressing matters than investigating the biggest grift committed on the black community since slavery, our Republican Attorney General is suing over masks. Our black woman Circuit Attorney just admitted to wrong doing/withholding evidence and our black County Prosecutor that replaced Bob McCulloch is named in a lawsuit covering for Riverview Police…the same way he caped for the Ferguson during consent decree negotiations with the DOJ.
Not investigating is the one area they are bipartisan.
That’s how you know.