☕ Morning fam,
#NegroWakeUpCall In their response to the Janae Edmondson tragedy, black leaders in St. Louis elected to be change agents during Ferguson have shown themselves to the black community to be everything I’ve been saying for years: black faces doing the bidding of whiteness, that don’t give af about black people, care more about tourism and being in the good graces of affluent white people than meeting the needs of the black community.
They’re seen as cowards limiting their condemnation to Kim Gardner and not judges for the role they play releasing violent criminals back on the streets.
Not one ever held a press conference to acknowledge/apologize/show concern or offer their thoughts and prayers to the of thousands of black victims who’ve had their lives taken or destroyed by the city’s woke policies or denied justice by Kim Gardner. Not even when St. Louis was named the child murder capital.
This realization on the heels of sentencings of Reed, Boyd and Muhammad is spreading through the streets like a wild fire a month before the election for ward reduction and threatens to impact black voter turnout, the election of both black establishment Dems/progressives and the mayor’s progressive agenda.
The illusion of racism being the most pressing issue shattered, replaced by the black faces in high places.
They ‘get it’ and misplaced anger is finally being directed where it should have been all along: black faces in high places.
#NotJustKimGardner They ALL lost the trust of the community.