☕ Morning fam,
St. Louis is back in the news again, this time corruption at City Hall. BOA President Lewis Reed, Ald Jeffery Boyd and Ald John Muhammad (the only one that had the decency to resign) were all indicted for bribery and corruption. Their wards among the worse in the city. Anyone who’s been following me knows I’ve been ringing the alarm about those three for years offering example after example of them being unfit for office due to shit like this. And I got the backlash people calling me a hata, crazy, radical and jealous…. and even working with white folks because in St. Louis anytime a black person speaks on the behalf of the community and is not down with back group think, they are vilified and accused of working with white folks.
Now back to this indictment… Trust and believe they are not the only ones, they are just the ones that were caught. And I hope this investigation doesn’t stop with them. This type of behavior has been going on for decades. It should include all of City Hall as well as previous admins and alderpeople. Citizens should demand that. This indictment is a great first step in cleaning house because we will never get rid of them by the vote, even the Baord of Election is just as suspect as City Hall and the police.
If you ever wondered how St. Louis got to this point, look no further than leadership. The former County Exec ws just released from federal prison, his replacement is doing his damndest to follow suit. Former police chief Sam Dobson’s mother is serving time for embezzling over 2 million dollars from her employer. The current mayor’s father, former Comptroller was convicted and served time. A former rep out of the protest movement resigned after getting snared in a timesheet scandal. A former state senator’s brother who is/was a Cure Violence interrupter was recently arrested for tampering with evidence in a murder investigation and police found $300,000 when they searched his apartment. Oh and kim Gardner, how could I possibly forget Kim Garner who was brough before the disciplinary council for conduct the grand jury called ‘reprehensible’ and in a scathing letter released publicly called for the harshest penalty. The council ignored the letter and gave Garner the lightest sentence possible. Its up to the MO Supreme Court to decide her fate. County Prosecutor Wesley Bell is named in a lawsuit covering for Riverview Police’s racial profiling and terrorizing 2 young sistas, Bell charged them then used the charges to try to pressure them. This is the same Wesley Bell that ran interference for Ferguson during the DOJ consent decree and refused to charge Darren Wilson for murdering Mike Brown or open an investigation into the murder of Darren Seals.
I prefaced with all that to say corruption knows no color. Corruption runs deep in the city, county and municipalities. The Circuit Attorney and County Prosecutor do nothing, which is why it takes the Feds.And like I tell y’all all the time there are no clean hands. Your side is just as dirty as the other side. The sooner mofos wrap their minds around that, the sooner they will stop being shocked and disappointed when shit comes to light.