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Morning fam

☕ Morning fam, Still not ready to question whether this was the plan all along?

☕ Morning fam, Still not ready to question whether this was the plan all along?

☕ Morning fam,
We are in a baaaad predicament that gets progressively worse by the day with long term lingering ramifications, the result of orange man bad, any blue will do and disastrous Soros funded antiblack policies pushed by white progressives and imposed by black faces of whiteness on the left to the detriment of the black community feeling the consequences… high crime, record homicides and being left to fend for ourselves under the guise of defund, while affluent neighborhoods get protection from police our tax dollars paid to train… to protect them. And get this, officers wear their city issued police uniforms and retain the same authority as if they were on official police duty while the poor people whose taxes paid for their training can’t even get a police officer to show up in their time of need. What’s being pushed as police reform and reallocation is actually reallocating police protection from crime ridden communities to wealth affluent communities.

Progressivism as practiced by faux, Soros funded black and white progressives has been a colossal failure. Hundreds of millions spent on social experimentation with deadly consequences making every issue progressives tackle worse. BLM, memba them? Propped up by progressives marched us from Hands Up Don’t Shoot and the Ferguson Uprising to Biden’s Safer America plan, 100,000 new police officers and 87,000 new IRS agents.

Still not ready to question whether this was the plan all along?

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