☕ Morning fam,
Regional leaders still don’t get it. There was the region BEFORE the indictments, the PRE-indictment era and the region now, POST indictments. In the former they could and were getting away with everything. Just point fingers and blame the opposition. That worked for white Dems that blamed Republicans and black Dems that blamed Republicans and white Dems, all rallying their bases to do the same. And they niaevely did.
This time is different, I know hard to believe given all the fuckery mofos let slide, think of it like a break up, you know like when you breakup and get back together again ov3r and over and over and over again, but that last time, didn’t take an argument, you were done. That’s where a lot of folks are with regional leadership. Done… some disillusioned with politics all together.
You would think leaders would pause a min to take the pulse of the community before devouring Reed, Boyd and Muhammad’s dead political carcasses, if they did they would know the federal indictments weren’t theirs alone, but an indictment of the Board of Aldermen, the Mayor, City Hall, the County Exec and County Council. They are also indictments of the Circuit Attorney, County Prosecutor and Attorney General under whose watch this happened. They are the reason it takes the feds.
More indictments are coming and we won’t know who until indictments are unsealed, that could be days, weeks or months. Let’s talk about what we do know, bribery and corruption at the BOA… what we don’t know is how widespread, who participated in the same behaviors or who turned a blind eye, either way the ENTIRE BOARD is compromised.
And let’s not forget the Feds are still at play, the remaining board members haven’t been cleared of wrongdoing, it’s premature for current board members who could potentially be indicted to make an announcement running for Lewis Reed’s seat. It’s premature for anyone who’s held local/state office or was a political appointee to even think about running for anything except to the feds to make a deal or a criminal attorney.
There’s no hurry. We waited years for this, we don’t mind waiting a few more days, weeks or months, whatever it takes to weed out systemic corruption in the city, county and state. Let the process play out and when you’re cleared, run.