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Morning fam

☕ Morning fam, The left is not gonna say how bad it is. They’re gonna keep ride the orange man bad train til it jumps off the tracks. And over the cliff. 🍿

☕ Morning fam, The left is not gonna say how bad it is. They’re gonna keep ride the orange man bad train til it jumps off the tracks. And over the cliff. 🍿

☕ Morning fam,
Democrats overplayed their hand. Again. And everything’s starting to spiral. The left is losing what little credibility it has after several major bombshells recently came to light. Even the most loyal Democrat sees through all the false narratives, lies and deception. And the influence money has in the Dem Party and how easily our leaders sellout. Don’t cheer, that doesn’t mean because people see they will do anything. We don’t have another 8 years to see. If anything, they will disengage, take their marbles and run home.

The left is not gonna say how bad it is. They’re gonna keep ride the orange man bad train til it jumps off the tracks. And over the cliff. 🍿

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