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Morning fam

☕ Morning fam, The seeds for much of what we’re experiencing today were planted during Ferguson under the guise of fighting for justice for black people. Less than a decade later we’re worse off in every social indicator. #Toldja where following those that pushed the beautiful lie would lead. Look around. We are here.

☕ Morning fam, The seeds for much of what we’re experiencing today were planted during Ferguson under the guise of fighting for justice for black people. Less than a decade later we’re worse off in every social indicator.  #Toldja where following those that pushed the beautiful lie would lead.  Look around. We are here.

☕ Morning fam,
Jimmy Dore said it best, “America is a failed state run by psychopaths”. This is not hyperbole fam, think about it. A uniparty that wouldn’t give us Medicare for all during a global health pandemic. And that pushes open boarders, with zero checks or safegards, allowing criminals and terrorists free entry. DAs that coddle criminals while ignoring victims… Leaders that put illegal immigrants up in 5 star hotels, while US veterans sleep on the street. A party that’s spending billions to fund a war of a non NATO country thousands of miles away in Ukraine, a war that Ukraine’s neighbors scoff at funding… at the expense of American citizens. And all while crying broke when it comes to paying the debt owned black Americans.

Let’s talk about the glaring irony and hypocrisy from people claiming to be feminists, but can’t define what a woman is and that ignore the very real differences between men and woman to push an agenda… introduced by Ferguson protester turned black face of white radical politics Cori Bush.

This bizarro world imposed by Democrats with the complicity of Republican leaders of the uniparty, very bi-partisian

Nobody voted for any of this fam. Their ‘mandate’ is unverifiable mail in ballots, no excuse absentee voting and rank choice voting. And forget the corruption being exposed in the Dem Party from Biden to Lacy Clay (who colluded with Claire McCaskill to rally the DOJ to end the investigation into the murder of Mike Brown) down to Ald John Muhammad out of the Ferguson protest movement currently serving time in a federal penitentiary for corruption.

The seeds for much of what we’re experiencing today were planted during Ferguson under the guise of fighting for justice for black people. Less than a decade later we’re worse off in every social indicator.

#Toldja where following those that pushed the beautiful lie would lead. #Toldja regional politics was hella corrupt and how the left sold us out. #Tolda these reformers, activists & protesters turned elected leaders would become the very people we’re fighting.

Look around, here we are.

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