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Morning fam

☕ Morning fam, The slogan IS the movement IS the grift.

☕ Morning fam, The slogan IS the movement IS the grift.

☕ Morning fam,
Black Lives Matter is done, the movement and the org. They ARE one and the same. The genius of the grift is how they got mofos talbout they support the slogan, but not the movement as if they are not one and the same. The slogan IS the movement IS the grift. When you say “Black Lives Matter” you are cosigning/supporting/excusing the biggest grift committed against the black community since the Democratic Party convinced negros they were the party of inclusion despite it’s long history being the party of slavery, segregation and Jim Crow.

Black Lives Matter is not grassroots, it is astroturf, a creation of the NPIC, Netroots and billionaire philanthropists an works in collusion with the Dem Party to exploit our issues to push their agenda using intersectionality, identity politics and diversity.

BLM is not and has never been the movement, the Dem Party is not and has never been the movement. Progressives are not and have never been the movement. Black misleaders/celebrity is not and has never been the movement. Elements within the aforementioned may overlap, but make no mistake, THE PEOPLE are the movement.

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