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Morning fam

☕ Morning fam, The systemic failure nobody is talking about is in St. Louis is black elites standing with black misleaders over the black community and a refusal to clean house. Now white folks are gonna do it for them. Again. The question is not will Kim Gardner go, but as the depth of her corruption/incompetence exposed, who/how many she will take with her? No Tears.

☕ Morning fam, The systemic failure nobody is talking about is in St. Louis is black elites standing with black misleaders over the black community and a refusal to clean house. Now white folks are gonna do it for them.  Again.   The question is not will Kim Gardner go, but as the depth of her corruption/incompetence exposed, who/how many she will take with her?   No Tears.

☕ Morning fam,
Black orgs, clergy and Mound City Bar Association a group of black attorneys push back at Kim Gardner’s removal, proving one of the biggest problems with black elite’s in St. Louis: they care more about one of their own having a job, than the safety/benefit of the black community they claim to serve.

Given the depth of corruption/incompetence exposed surrounding Kim Gardner and how she funds supporters like Dana Kelly giving her a $50k/yr job while her office is understaffed and how she puts election workers on the payroll to work the polls at her family’s funeral home which is benefiting from deaths resulting from her incompetency, one would be remiss not to question whether she is also paying for ‘support’ from professional activists and paid protesters. It’s wild how there have been no demands to follow the money.

Mound City is in pretty much the same position as black leaders showing an inability to police their own and is going down by association.

The systemic failure nobody is talking about is in St. Louis is black elites standing with black misleaders over the black community and a refusal to clean house. Now white folks are gonna do it for them.


The question is not will Kim Gardner go, but as the depth of her corruption/incompetence exposed, who/how many she will take with her?

No Tears.

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