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Morning fam

☕ Morning fam, They should all be cancelled… for being wrong, on the wrong side of history. And the wrong side of black people…

☕ Morning fam, They should all be cancelled… for being wrong, on the wrong side of history. And the wrong side of black people…

☕ Morning fam,
The great reset is happening. And this is not conspiracy. America is being reshaped. The entire world is being reshaped. And for the first time ever we get a say. And I can’t thank brothas and sistas enough that stood on business and ended the Jobamala dynasty. It is not enough to cheer fam, we have to prepare for what is coming next. People are jockeying for position. And the biggest mistake we can make at this time is following those who have consistently been wrong since Ferguson.

Sure, everybody gets it now. After the fact. Don’t be fooled by Monday morning quarterbacking by swamp creatures posing as political pundits looking for ‘the next’ to cling on too. They are pros at feigning outrage and reinventing themselves. We already see it with Joy Reid, Jemele Hill, Mark Lamont Hill, Charlamagne and Roland Martin.

They should all be cancelled… for being wrong, on the wrong side of history. And the wrong side of black people.

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