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Morning fam

☕ Morning fam, Today is Superbowl Sunday. It wasn’t that long ago Kaep hijacked what we started, the left jumped on the bandwagon and the NFL became the battlefield for the social justice movement. I warned this was not a path to change, that if anything it would backfire, we wouldn’t get justice and the NFL would come out on top.

☕ Morning fam,  Today is Superbowl Sunday. It wasn’t that long ago Kaep hijacked what we started, the left jumped on the bandwagon and the NFL became the battlefield for the social justice movement. I warned this was not a path to change, that if anything it would backfire, we wouldn’t get justice and the NFL would come out on top.

☕ Morning fam,
Today is Superbowl Sunday. It wasn’t that long ago Kaep hijacked what we started, the left jumped on the bandwagon and the NFL became the battlefield for the social justice movement. I warned this was not a path to change, that if anything it would backfire, we wouldn’t get justice and the NFL would come out on top.

After years of ducking/dodging, engaging in divide/conquer and sabotaging the movement, the NFL is positioned for it’s biggest payoff ever, courtesy of black folks. And all it took was an all black Superbowl. The NFL made no concessions. Plus they’re getting Rihanna for free. It doesn’t get better than this for the NFL.

This is being celebrated as a win for us. It isn’t. This is them keeping us entertained/distracted at a time the world is resetting, this country is changing and we have a teeny, tiny window of opportunity to carve our own lane. The left is not gonna tell us this or how, they’re gonna do what they always do: keep us triggered/traumatized and seeking escapism through entertainment. Then provide the cure.

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