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Morning fam

☕Morning fam, Ferguson is back in the news. Not because any of the frauds taking shots at Elon Musk are advocating justice for Mike Brown. Because Elon Musk mocked Twitter’s #staywoke tees, memba the one Deray wore during his staged arrest, #toldja back then this was to co-opt the word ‘woke’. Now the people that hijacked what we started and grifted billions off the death of Mike Brown want us to be outraged at Musk, not them for sabotaging the biggest civil rights movement ever and diverting billions raised under the guise of black lives mattering to other groups. Or fake woke DAs like Kim Gardner/Wesley Bell that pretend to be reformists while doing the bidding of the state.

☕Morning fam, Ferguson is back in the news. Not because any of the frauds taking shots at Elon Musk are advocating justice for Mike Brown. Because Elon Musk mocked Twitter’s #staywoke tees, memba the one Deray wore during his staged arrest, #toldja back then this was to co-opt the word ‘woke’. Now the people that hijacked what we started and grifted billions off the death of Mike Brown want us to be outraged at Musk, not them for sabotaging the biggest civil rights movement ever and diverting billions raised under the guise of black lives mattering to other groups. Or fake woke DAs like Kim Gardner/Wesley Bell that pretend to be reformists while doing the bidding of the state.

☕Morning fam,
Ferguson is back in the news. Not because any of the frauds taking shots at Elon Musk are advocating justice for Mike Brown. Because Elon Musk mocked Twitter’s #staywoke tees, memba the one Deray wore during his staged arrest, #toldja back then this was to co-opt the word ‘woke’. Now the people that hijacked what we started and grifted billions off the death of Mike Brown want us to be outraged at Musk, not them for sabotaging the biggest civil rights movement ever and diverting billions raised under the guise of black lives mattering to other groups. Or fake woke DAs like Kim Gardner/Wesley Bell that pretend to be reformists while doing the bidding of the state.

Not gonna work.

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