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Morning fam

☕Morning fam, How is the standard for taking a test at school higher than voting?

☕Morning fam, How is the standard for taking a test at school higher than voting?

☕Morning fam,
Allegations/evidence of voter fraud are rampant… everything from glitches that turn Trump votes into Kamala votes to closing voter precincts hours early to yaaaasss illegals voting… and more. All in blue run cities and they’re not hiding it. No one will say this is not happening. Now the standard is it’s not enough to change the election and we’re supposed to take their word. I don’t ever recall that being the standard for anything else. No teacher that catches a student cheating ever says, “Well you cheated, but not enough to change your grade”. You get caught cheating you get a “F” or “0”. How is the standard for taking a test at school higher than voting?

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