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Morning fam

☕Morning fam, I’ve been calling this shit from Day 1. But it took Elon. Mmmmk. For mofos that swear they’re down for real grassroots / new black media. We expose, the big boys get the credit while we struggle to survive.

☕Morning fam, I’ve been calling this shit from Day 1. But it took Elon. Mmmmk. For mofos that swear they’re down for real grassroots / new black media. We expose, the big boys get the credit while we struggle to survive.

☕Morning fam,
What a difference a decade makes. During Ferguson I was called a conspiracy theorist, crazy, a movement critic and worse. I was smeared. And sabotaged. And had my life put in danger for telling the truth. About the deception and collusion between the Dem Party/NPIC, media and social media. CJ Sullivan and I were among the first to have our 1st Amendment Rights violated by big tech working as an arm of the state. He was deplatformed from Twitter for exposing Deray. And I’ve accounts locked out of or had accounts terminated by Cash App, Google, Youtube, Facebook and Twitter. Yes. lil ol me. Because I am unique in this space, I go back to the beginning of this shit. How many times have I #toldja Ferguson is the key? I’ve been on this from Day 1. I was on it when everybody else was drinking the koolaid, afraid to speak out or was waiting to see how the wind blew. Disciplined. And never wavered.

I’ve been calling this shit from Day 1. But it took Elon. Mmmmk. For mofos that swear they’re down for real grassroots / new black media. We expose, the big boys get the credit while we struggle to survive.

Another billionaire just coopted our shit. Others see the value. Keep thinking this work doesn’t matter.

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