☕Morning fam,
St. Louis is imploding from decades of racism, corruption, crime, failing schools and de-investment in the black community. Ferguson should have been a wake up call, for other cities it would have been. But not in St. Louis, because people in position black and white are selfish, more concerned about party, their careers and agenda. There are so may examples, most recent the Ferguson Commission dropping the ball on its recommendation and protesters/activists turned elected leaders stepping down in scandal, pleading guilty to corruption charges and selling the community out for book deals. And these are the ones voted to in be/do better.
The Dem establishment, black and white learned nothing doubling down with more of the same actions, policies and neglect that sparked the uprising. Faux progressives black and white simply exploited demands for change to push their agenda while the black misleadership class unable to adapt to the new political landscape sank further into irrelevancy.
In the past decade St. Louis has held the title most dangerous, most unsafe, murder capital and child murder capital in addition to experienced an uprising, a serial killer, a mass shooting (9 shot, 1 killed Christmas Eve 2010), Ferguson uprising, several jail riots in addition to this week’s school shooting.
Region leaders take no responsibility whatsoever for the environment cultivated by decades of failure. They have no solutions because they are the problem. Forget the election for a new President of the Board of Alderman to replace the one that just pleaded guilty to federal corruption charges, it’s time for city and county managers. The only way to move beyond the cancer that is regional leadership, is to remove it.