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Morning fam

☕ Morning fam, This ain’t simply negros selling out, this shit is a cult…

☕ Morning fam, This ain’t simply negros selling out, this shit is a cult…

☕ Morning fam,
It’s time to leave these platforms. #Toldja tha play back during Ferguson, how we could no longer organize on these CIA infested platforms and that we would have to build our own. Not only to fight this battle, but to push back against propaganda and deception coming from not Trump, MAGA or the Republican Party…. but the Democrat Party, the lamestream media, the NPIC, BLM and countless professional actorvists and paid protesters…. YOUR side.

And for 9 years I watched mofos do everything EXCEPT. Mofos funded marches, billboards, conventions, museums, vanity projects, any and everything including promises of 1 brick and mortar school even as COVID lockdowns showed remote learning could make that promise a reality. And negros cheered it all.

Watched fake woke black progressives build with everyone except their own and black girl magic destroy black communities.

Watched black clergy sellout. And black academia punk out.

Watched all that and then some contributing to our fast paced downward spiral to 5th class citizens behind Hispanics, the lgbtq community and illegals. And self destruction.

Funded by George Soros and Sam Bankman Fried.

Fast forward to today and we are in a much worse situation, got negros supporting grooming children & funding war on the side of Nazis.

This ain’t simply negros selling out, this shit is a cult.

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