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Democrats Meltdown Over Tulsi Gabbard Endorsing Trump!

Democrats Meltdown Over Tulsi Gabbard Endorsing Trump!

Tulsi Gabbard Endorses Trump; Bill Maher and Quentin Tarantino spar over Kamala Harris hiding from the press; Charlemagne Tha God and Tavis Smiley think Kamala needs to do an interview; Tom Cotton destroys abc news; Trump visits Arlington Cemetery to honor 13 American service members killed in botched Afghanistan withdrawal; RFK Jr. says what Maga really means; illegal immigration on the rise; NYC stabbings spike and more!
Tyrone Keys of @soldiersoffinance joins the ladies to discuss it all!
#tulsigabbard #trump #kamalaharris #billmaher #charlamagnethagod #tavissmiley #quentintarantino

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