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Exclusive Malcolm X’s Life, Times, Death and Legacy

Exclusive Malcolm X’s Life, Times, Death and Legacy

In one of the most important interviews for this time period, Paul Lee and Peter Goldman, two of the foremost historians around the Life, Times, Death and Legacy of Malcolm X appear in an interview with Kalonji Jama Changa LIVE on #RiotStarterTV!

Paul Lee
In 1990, the Highland Park, Mich., native served as a historical researcher and consultant for two episodes featuring Malcolm X in “Eyes on the Prize II,” the PBS history of the modern civil-rights movement. In 1991, he was the chief historical consultant for Spike Lee’s “Malcolm X” biopic, starring Denzel Washington. In 1994, he was the special research consultant for “Malcolm X: Make It Plain,” an episode of the PBS historical series “The American Experience”:

Peter Goldman
Goldman’s biography, The Death and Life of Malcolm X is considered a seminal work in the field. It focused heavily on Malcolm’s last years and on his assassination in 1965, and it remains a standard more than four decades after it was first published in 1973. A second edition, published by the University of Illinois Press in 1979, and a third, in 2013, include important new information on who committed the murder and why. Peter Goldman served 25 years on staff and 20 more as a contributing editor at Newsweek. During his career, Goldman wrote more than 120 cover stories and helped Newsweek win many honors, including six National Magazine Awards–the industry’s nearest equivalent to the Pulitzer Prize.

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