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Genius is Common – Pro. James Small is a Legendary Historian, African Sacred Science Specialist.

Genius is Common – Pro. James Small is a Legendary Historian, African Sacred Science Specialist.

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Professor James Small African World.


Professor James Small is a scholar-activist, dynamic speaker, and organizational consultant. He is also CEO of Sanaa Lodge Enterprise, Ghana, Ltd., CEO & President, of African-American Management Company, Ghana, Ltd.; International Vice President, of Organization of Afro-American Unity (O.A.A.U.), Priest of Oya, Babalorisha, Ifa Tradition, and past President of the Eastern Region of the Association for the study of Classical African Civilization (ASCAC).

Prof. James Small has been an activist since his teenage years. His in-depth knowledge, thought-provoking, and calm delivery are influential elements in breaking the programming of miseducation. He studies extensively with Dr. John Henrik Clarke, Dr. Yosef A. A. ben Jochannan, Dr. Leonard Jeffries, Dr. Ivan Van Sertima, Dr. Asa Hilliard, Dr. Wade Nobles, Dr. Amos Wilson, and Dr. Francis Cress Welsing, just to name a few.

For eleven years Prof. Small served as principal bodyguard to the late Ella L. Collins, the sister of Malcolm X, the then President of the Organization of Afro-American Unity (O.A.A.U.), and was the Imam of Muslim Mosque Inc. (founded by Malcolm X). Between the years of 1966 and 1980, Prof.
Small held membership in the Student Non-violent Coordinating Committee (S.N.C.C.), the N.A.A.C.P, and O.A.A.U. During this period Prof. Small had the opportunity to interact with such historical giants as Congressman Adam Clayton Powell Jr., Kwame Ture, H. Rap Brown of S.N.C.C, Eldridge Cleaver, Zaid Shakur, and Lumumba Shakur of the Black Panther Party (B.P.P.) in which he served as a liaison between the B.P.P. and the O.A.A.U. Much of his expertise is found in African-American history and
culture, Malcolm X, African traditional religions, and the love for his people.
Prof. Small taught for fifteen years at the City University of New York, including thirteen years at the City College of New York’s Black Studies Department where he taught courses on Pan-Africanism, Malcolm X, and comparative African religions, which included several African spiritual systems, titled, African Religion and Survival; and two years at New York City Technical College teaching the course, African Folklore & Religion, both in the Diaspora and in Africa.

Prof. James Small has traveled extensively lecturing at churches, conventions, seminars, workshops, colleges, and universities, throughout the United States, the Caribbean, Africa, and Europe. His informative, eye-opening, and dynamic presentations have caused him to be recognized as one of the most distinguished activist scholars of our time. Prof. Small is also currently conducting online courses on African Spirituality covering the Yoruba Ifa Tradition, the Akan spiritual system, Voodou/Vodun, and Ancient Egyptian sacred science. He is also leading educational & cultural pilgrimage/tours throughout Africa, Haiti, and the United States.

Prof . James Small Degrees..
1- Bachelor of Arts degree from The City College of The City University of New York.
2- Doctorate of Divinity from Amin Ra Theological Seminary Las Angeles California.

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