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Morning fam

Morning fam, We are living in a 24 hour, nonstop, fast paced world heavily influenced by media, disinformation and propaganda, with a lil truth mixed in to sell agenda driven narratives. And no place more so than St. Louis that is still in a downward spiral post Ferguson.

Morning fam, We are living in a 24 hour, nonstop, fast paced world heavily influenced by media, disinformation and propaganda, with a lil truth mixed in to sell agenda driven narratives. And no place more so than St. Louis that is still in a downward spiral post Ferguson.

☕ Morning fam,
We are living in a 24 hour, nonstop, fast paced world heavily influenced by media, disinformation and propaganda, with a lil truth mixed in to sell agenda driven narratives. And no place more so than St. Louis that is still in a downward spiral post Ferguson. The Ferguson Commission was joke. Cure Violence does not work. Millions have gone to nonprofits to ‘help us’, y’all know the hustle, the majority of $$$ goes to fund salaries and overhead, whats left is ut into somee bs assed program that only lasts til the money runs out… like we saw during Ferguson, few, if any of those orgs or programs even exist today. Today, they’re funding ‘new’ programs by the same ole folks that have been failing black people for decades.

Not even a decade post Ferguson and after all the money, all the come ups and promises, not only did Mike Brown not get justice, St. Louis now bears the distinction of being the Child Murder Capital. Not one press conference about this from Tishaura Jones, Kim Gardner or Cori Bush. No standing in solidarity with victims or their families for the cameras like they stood in solidarity under thee Arch or with inmates at the Workhouse., even held a press conference. Dead children don’t even get a tweet. The former public safety director said they’re not innocent. The mayor got int a twitter beef with a victim whose abuser was released from jail due to the mayor’s policy of not jailing arrestees if they had covid. And instead giving them a get out of jail free card to continue victimizing and spread covid. Combine that with Kim Gardner’s refusal to prosecute its no wonder that in addition to being consistently named most dangerous, most violent and murder capital, St. Louis now bears the distinction of being the child murder capital.

Mother’s Day in St. Louis,

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