I had a chance to interview the wife of the late Rahsaan Roland Kirk, Dorthaan Kirk and she gave me a small book of the Jazz and People’s Movement in the early 1970’s. Another example of Black disabled activism in the music arena and Black Arts Movement. I see Rahsaan Roland Kirk’s radical activism part of The Black Radical Tradition and so much more that Krip-Hop Nation is building on in 2024 and I hope beyond…..
We must continue to Black Krip more Black history, politics, culture and theories!
Black creative genius matters: Rahsaan Roland Kirk, the Jazz and People’s Movement, and the politics of “black classical music.”
Michael Stewart Foley
To cite this article: Michael Stewart Foley (2020): Black creative genius matters: Rahsaan Roland Kirk, the Jazz and People’s Movement, and the politics of “black classical music.”, The Sixties, DOI: 10.1080/17541328.2020.1785174
To link to this article: https://doi.org/10.1080/17541328.2020.1785174