☕ Morning fam,
Again new year, and more of the same old reactionary, short sighted, knee jerk ‘solutions’ that are not solutions and actually make things worse… what happens when leaders have no plans and are forced to adapt as conditions and circumstances change.
This is not limited to the region, we’re seeing this play out with horrendous results in urban communities from coast to coast. The common denominators? 1. Dem run cities. And 2. More often than not, the face? Black women mayors and DAs.
Mostly black women mayors and DAs allowing white progressives to socially experiment by imposing Soros funded woke white radical policies such as defund, no cash bail and jail reform that sound good in theory, but in practice increase violent crime/homicides and make black communities less safe. Yet we’re not having this conversation.
We’re talking about the Voting Rights Act, Antonio Brown and every individual white microaggression as if we’re gonna kick white supremacy’s ass one racist at a time.
We see the handwriting on the wall when it comes to these social media platforms yet black voices and content creators are not building or transitioning off Facebook, Twitter or Youtube, they’re doubling down while crying about being censored and shadowbanned.
We’re starting the new year the way we ended the old…. Time is running out. There is no sense of urgency. And still waiting for the mofos that put us in the trickbag to save us.